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DC14 Announcement
Forum: Announcements
Last Post: Darkstar1592
06-17-2021, 04:26 AM
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DC14 Command List
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06-15-2021, 01:58 PM
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DC13 Announcement
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DC14 Announcement |
Posted by: Darkstar1592 - 06-17-2021, 04:26 AM - Forum: Announcements
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New World on 1.17!
Residence: Claim land!
/sethome to set your home location and /home to teleport there
/spawn to teleport to the spawn point
/msg <player> to send a private message
/essentials help to see more commands
/cprivate to lock a container
/cpassword <password> to password protect a container
/cinfo to see info on a protection
/cprivate player1 player2 .. to add players to a protection
/cprivate -player1 -player2 .. to remove players from a protection
Level up in a wide variety of skills and gain rewards, just like an MMO.
Scuba Gear
Scuba Gear makes the 1.13 aquatic update more fun!
Increased swimming speed and unlimited breathing time!
Check out the crafting recipes at the link below.
Disenchant 2
Convert an enchanted item to an enchantment book.
Check out the crafting recipe at the link below.
Melt your tools and armor back into the ingots used to make them!
Check out the supported items at the link below.
Players can toggle PvP for themselves with /pvp
Build vineyards to create wine!
Wines give potion effects specific to the biome they're created in.
Check out the structure at the link below.
Brewery allows you to brew beer, create your own brand of beer, and receive potion effects.
Check out the structure at the link below.
DC13 Announcement |
Posted by: Darkstar1592 - 05-12-2020, 05:57 PM - Forum: Announcements
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New World on 1.15.2
Residence: Claim land!
/bal or /balance or /money - See your current amount of money
/pay <player> <amount> - Pay another player
Choose up to 3 jobs to earn money with /jobs browse
Jobs include woodcutter, miner, digger, farmer, hunter, fisherman, brewer and enchanter
Player shops
Sell and buy items
/shop - lists the commands
Admin shop
Buy building materials and rare items
/adminshop - Opens the shop GUI
Pay to fly! $10 per second of flight
/PFly [amount of seconds] - Buys flying for a certain amount of time
/PFly cancel - Cancels the purchase
/PFly accept - Accepts the purchase
/PFly time - views the time left for the player
/PFly [player] [amount of seconds] - Pay for flight for another player
Other plugins to know about:
/sethome to set your home location and /home to teleport there
/spawn to teleport to the spawn point
/msg <player> to send a private message
/essentials help to see more commands
Level up in a wide variety of skills and gain rewards, just like an MMO.
Improved flight with elytra
Scuba Gear
Scuba Gear makes the 1.13 aquatic update more fun!
Increased swimming speed and unlimited breathing time!
Check out the crafting recipes at the link below.
Disenchant 2
Convert an enchanted item to an enchantment book.
Check out the crafting recipe at the link below.
Melt your tools and armor back into the ingots used to make them!
Check out the supported items at the link below.
Players can toggle PvP for themselves with /pvp
Build vineyards to create wine!
Wines give potion effects specific to the biome they're created in.
Check out the structure at the link below.
Brewery allows you to brew beer, create your own brand of beer, and receive potion effects.
Check out the structure at the link below.
Ultimate Chairs
Right click on stairs to sit.
DC11 Announcement! |
Posted by: Darkstar1592 - 11-23-2016, 07:54 PM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (4)
1.11 is here! DC11 is coming soon!
Here's what you can expect in the new map:
Map Goals
- Taking the good parts about the previous maps, and improve upon them with the help of both staff involvement and its players.
- Special care is to be given to the economy. We need to prevent a situation where one player can corner the market, effectively choking the lifeblood out of the rest of the server.
Spawn Island
- Spawn to receive its own island in an inland sea
- Spawn island to transition smoothly between spawn and sea level
![[Image: ss_2016-11-22_at_09.47.58.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/172842027933892610/250724152246403082/ss_2016-11-22_at_09.47.58.jpg)
![[Image: af0a091b56.png]](http://puu.sh/r5AsV/af0a091b56.png)
![[Image: fc55beefbc.png]](http://puu.sh/r5ACx/fc55beefbc.png)
Other Terrain Screenshots
![[Image: 2016-08-30_23.02.27.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/213790064327655434/220287363207790593/2016-08-30_23.02.27.png)
![[Image: 2016-11-22_20.37.16.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/144387033438224385/250711976035090432/2016-11-22_20.37.16.png)
![[Image: 2016-11-22_20.51.24.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/144387033438224385/250711996624928778/2016-11-22_20.51.24.png)
![[Image: 2016-11-22_20.47.32.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/144387033438224385/250711997849665546/2016-11-22_20.47.32.png)
- If any of you were around for DC5 or earlier, this may seem familiar
- Cities can be built and gain prestige and glory through a tier system
- A staff member must approve your city before it can be ranked up
- Settlement
- Tier 1
- Town Storage (With public chests, stocked)
- A public forum post in the Cities section of the forum with a resident list, city tier, map with directions from spawn or portal, logo, and other information about your city
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
- 1 guild / gathering center
- Tier 4
- River or other water source within 20 blocks of the city limits
- 14 obsidian for the portal
- Tier 5
- 2 Public attractions (i.e: statue, fountains, arenas)
- Subway to nearest public area
- A castle or large structure to establish power
- New living district with walls or fence
Economic Changes
- Jobs has been removed
- Chest Shops has been removed
- More admin shops
- Selling resources to admin shops will be the main source of rem income
- Use rem to buy items from admin shops and trade with players
- Admin shop prices change based on the demand of that item (see below)
Gameplay Changes
- Get diamonds for inviting your friends
- Use /referral create to generate a referral code
- Your friend can then use /referral <code>
- You AND your friend will get 9 diamonds!
- Dynamic Admin Shops
- The admin shops at spawn have dynamic buy and sell prices
- The price changes depending on how much people buy and sell the item
- The price of an item goes up if a lot of people buy the item, and goes down if a lot of people sell the item
- Prices go down over time if player's don't buy a lot of the item
- Pay REM to Teleport:
- Teleporting costs 15 rem per-block
- /mta [check] <player>
- This is the command used for asking players if you may teleport to them. The [check] argument in this command will give you the amount of money it will cost to make this teleport.
- /mwarp [mwarp name]
- This is the command used for teleporting to an MWarp and also listing out an interactive list of a player's MWarps. On the MWarp list the player can click on any one of the items on the list to teleport to it.
- /setmwarp <mwarp name>
- Setting a warp costs 500 rem
- This is the command used for creating new MWarps.
- /delmwarp [mwarp name]
- This is the command used for deleting an MWarp and also listing out an interactive list of a player's MWarps each one being easily deleted from there.
- Vote to Change the Weather:
- /wv
- This command opens the Voting-Inventory.
- /wv sun
- This command allows you to start a sun-voting.
- /wv rain
- This command allows you to start a rain-voting.
- /wv [yes/no]
- This command allows you to vote for yes or no.
Spawn Contest Results! |
Posted by: Darkstar1592 - 10-18-2016, 10:44 PM - Forum: Announcements
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![[Image: bHFJuRE.png]](http://i.imgur.com/bHFJuRE.png)
After two months, the mid-map spawn contest results are in!
The winner is....
The new spawn is live so use /spawn to check it out!
DC10 Spawn Contest |
Posted by: Darkstar1592 - 08-05-2016, 12:24 AM - Forum: Announcements
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![[Image: bHFJuRE.png]](http://i.imgur.com/bHFJuRE.png)
Come one, come all!
Compete in the DC10 Mid-map spawn competition!
Use the warp sign at spawn to enter the plots world.
Once you're there:
Step 1:
/plot claim - claim the plot you're standing on
Step 2:
Build - Use creative to build the greatest spawn ever constructed
Step 3:
/plot save - save your progress!
The winner will be decided on Sunday, October 9, 2016 and the winning build will become the new spawn!
If you have any questions about commands or usage, ask a staff member!
DC10 - It's finally here! |
Posted by: Oz-bar11 - 03-13-2016, 06:24 AM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (3)
![[Image: 5sHKAkg.png]](http://i.imgur.com/5sHKAkg.png)
Greetings Dreamcrafters!
As I’m sure you are all aware: after 1 year, 5 months, and 27 days (Since 1.8 was released) Minecraft 1.9 is finally upon us! As is the normal practice with a major version bump, Dreamcraft will be having a map reset. Please note that this reset is more comprehensive than last time, and will wipe both mcMMO levels and your REM, along with Jobs XP!
For those of you who don’t know, Mojang’s focus in this update has been combat, and general polishing of Minecraft. A few new things to take note of are:
- Shields have been added
- Combat has been balanced so it’s no longer who clicks the fastest wins – weapons have cool-downs between being effective.
- Dual-wielding!
- The End has been seriously expanded upon, having a lot more area to explore, and things to find.
- Beetroot, and beetroot soup have been added to the game.
- Many potion effects can now be attached to arrows.
I could go on listing all the changes and fixes that have happened since 1.8, but that would take all day! If anyone is interested anyway, check out the link here http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.9 .
We've got a couple of new features planned to come to DC10 in the near future, but for now we're taking a break from rushing it off the presses to you guys .
We're all looking forward to seeing everyone - old and new! - in DC10 with us!
- Oz and the Dreamcraft staff team.
Name changing |
Posted by: Oz-bar11 - 12-07-2015, 08:20 PM - Forum: Announcements
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Greetings Dreamcrafters!
I won't be long - name changing has been re-enabled on Dreamcraft. This isn't entirely without risks though, as we haven't done it before.
In the event you change your name, you do this entirely at your own risk. Any loss of inventory or player statistics, which may or may not occur with a name change is entirely up to you to risk. You will be unable to access horses you have protected with HorseTools if you change your name.
Any grief committed with any name changing exploits will be grounds for an immediate ban.
With that said, enjoy!
Nether Reset 01/01/2016 |
Posted by: ExceedSoul - 12-06-2015, 04:21 AM - Forum: Announcements
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The nether will be reset on January 1st 2016. At the beginning of the map, it was said that the nether would reset monthly, but we haven't been on top of that. With that said, on January 1st 2016, the nether will be refreshed with a brand new seed. Glowstone, netherbrick, quartz, and all the other nether-related things will be back in an abundant supply. Of course, this means that builds and items/chests in the nether will be removed as well. Please clear your things out of the nether over the next couple weeks, or else it will be lost forever and staff can't get it back for you.
After this reset, the next reset will be March 1st 2016 (unless 1.9 comes out, then it might be sooner).