The PR Dept. Wants YouTubers and Streamers! (And everyone else too)
Dream)Craft Official Announcement

Hey there all you YouTubers/Streamers!

I'd like to get ahold of you! We (PR) need you guys. Badly. We'd like you to advertise and do stuff DC-related. In return, we'll advertise YOU on the sidebar, as well as on our facebook, youtube, and twitter accounts. You'll be linked to on some of our websites as well.

We don't need you to donate for this; just actively broadcast the server and you'll get the aforementioned rewards.

To join our YouTube/Streaming team, just post below with this format:

Account Name:
Link to your account(s):
How long have you been here?

Not a YouTuber/Streamer?
That's fine! You can really help out in some other ways!

If you have graphic skills, make some DC banners, images, etc. and well take a look at em! Take some cool pictures in game! These all help!

If you don't know how to do that, you can help by telling your friends about DC. It may seem small but it's a MASSIVE help.

Thanks a Ton!

- Blaster707
Need help? Just yell my name!

Joined Dream)Craft in June 2011.
Promoted to Expert on March 9th, 2012.
Promoted to Moderator on May 27th, 2012, and reinstated as one on March 2nd, 2014.
SuperModerator from May 17th, 2013 - March 2nd, 2014.


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The PR Dept. Wants YouTubers and Streamers! (And everyone else too) - by Blaster707 - 05-20-2014, 02:12 PM

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