Shoutbox archive
I got your PM, and replied, and am not shocked. Please take what I said seriously.
29 Oct 20:06
im on
29 Oct 18:01
And After I pm you, i think you will be kind of shocked.
28 Oct 20:02
I think you MIGHT. I'm really not sure if you are thinking the same. But I guess it's not a bad idea to pm you it.
28 Oct 20:01
Nothing about a website implementing HTTPS makes it more tested or maintained, so no, I'm not entirely sure where you're going :p
28 Oct 18:50
You know what? I think you know where i'm going with this.
28 Oct 11:00
Although thats true that https has no effect on the code, I just find it more.... tested and maintained and checked everytime something new is added.
27 Oct 19:07
Although you'll be pleased to know, oskar, that I'm considering adding HTTPS, just for fun Wink
27 Oct 15:55
Yeah Gibbon, vanilla with a few extras like McMMO and such like.
27 Oct 15:48
The presence of SSL (HTTPS) has no effect on the quality of the code on the website - it is for transactional security only. MyBB is a well maintained forum software that recieves frequent security updates and bug fixes, and is not inherently vulnerable.
27 Oct 15:48
its semi vanilla? :o thats also cool though! Big Grin I came from a server list and figured it was modded.
27 Oct 10:38
and facebook is an https site.... meaing the chances of those exploits is extremely low as facebook pays people to find any and find a fix 24/7.
27 Oct 07:57
That's not really helping...
27 Oct 07:51
You'd better alert Facebook so they can move off php aha
26 Oct 15:28
Yes I do feel paranoid oz. I don't find .php + http sites end well.
26 Oct 14:27
Hey Gibbon and Jojo - as Darkstar said, this isn't a modded server; we're semi-vanilla survival! You might have the wrong place, but feel free to drop in if you see someone online
25 Oct 23:46
Feelin' a little paranoid there, Oskar? Wink
25 Oct 23:45
HI i just got dream craft do you gues have any tips?
25 Oct 18:32
@gibbon23 If you're looking for the modded server, that isn't us!
25 Oct 15:57
Well oz I just find http sites have at least 1 exploit in it somewhere.... And this is an http site... Getting the feeling someone is watching.
25 Oct 09:07